I spent a month in Thailand during my holiday for the Chinese New Year.
When in Bangkok, I was determined to visit the Chattuchak Weekend Market, also called Jattujak, or “JJ.” The market attracts about 200,000 visitors each weekend, and seems to the be the size of a small town. Stalls sell everything from traditional handcrafts to hipster fashion labels to exotic pets. I bought several blouses at a stall that sold used clothing from Japan. Food stalls are strewn throughout the market, and there are also a few larger food areas.

It was so incredibly hot that day, and I think I drank about 5 Thai iced teas.

We had lunch at this Malaysian Halal food stall.

My friend had this bowl of Malaysian curry noodles for lunch, topped with crisp fried onions (and Thai iced tea).

I had pad thai (and Thai iced tea).

Fresh coconut ice cream, served in a coconut shell, and topped with peanuts.

Here I am eating fresh coconut ice cream.

At this stall they were making huge vats of “boat noodles.”
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