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Homemade Purple Sauerkraut

This homemade purple sauerkraut is an good first step if you want to try fermenting.


  • 1960 grams shredded red cabbage (1/8 - 1/4 inch shreds)
  • 40 grams coarse unrefined sea salt
  • 2 whole cabbage leaves


  • Sanitize the equipment.
  • Shred the cabbage using a knife, mandolin, or the slicing function (not shredding function) on a food processor. If the slices are too small or short, they may float above the brine and become exposed to oxygen as they ferment, which can rot.
  • Place the shredded cabbage in a large, wide bowl. Sprinkle salt all over the cabbage. Use your hands to massage and squeeze the salt into the cabbage until the cabbage releases liquid, about 5 minutes.
  • Transfer the cabbage and brine to a 1/2 gallon or 2 liter jar. A canning funnel is useful. Tamp down down to submerge the cabbage under the brine and force out any air pockets. Continue until the jar is almost full, leaving 2 inches at the top.
  • Take the two whole cabbage leaves, rinse, and use them to blanket the shredded cabbage. They should cover all of shredded cabbage below.
  • If using a fermentation jar, place the fermentation weights on top of the whole cabbage leaves and seal the jar with a fermentation lid.
  • If you are not using a fermentation jar, fill a smaller, narrow jar with something heavy and place it inside a large ziplock bag. Place the bagged small jar on top of the cabbage to weigh it down and semi-seal the jar. Make sure the weight keeps the cabbage submerged below the brine or it may rot.
  • Place the jar on top of plate or pie plate to catch any potential liquid displaced during fermentation.
  • Ferment in a cool place 2-3 weeks away from direct sunlight. Taste after 2 weeks and continue to ferment another week if you would like it more sour.
  • Transfer the sauerkraut to another jar with a regular lid and store in the fridge for up to 10 months.